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Fennel and Orange salad with bruschetta
Fennel is one of my favourite vegetables. When used raw, make sure it's very thin sliced. That is why a mandoline is the perfect tool for...

Chorizo and Seafood Paella
Sometimes you are so hungry that you don't take enough pictures. But believe me, this paella was so good, please try it! Ingredients ...

Kesän jälkeen saamme taas nauttia pimenevistä illoista, kynttilöistä ja lämpimistä juomista. Erilaiset piirakat kuuluvat ehdottomasti...

Pasta Cacio e pepe
Rooman alueelta kotoisin upea pastaklassikko! Pastan lisäksi tarvitaan vain pecorino-juustoa ja pippuria. Voiko olla yksinkertaisempi?...

Broccoli ja halloumi
Yksi vuoka, paljon makuja. Prego! Tarvitset: 650 g broccoli, kukintoja ja varsi leikattuna paloiksi 1 chili siemenet poistettuna 1...

Super vihreä keitto ja bruschettaa
Pitäisi aina olla tällainen ohje takataskussa, niin terveellinen, maukas ja kaunis! Haluatko itse tehdä kasvislientä? Se on naurettavan...

Destination Italia (part 3)
Switzerland is as beautiful as the best cartoon I watched when I was a little girl, Heidi A girl of the Alps. All these valleys separated...

Feast like an Italian
Go to the grocery and grab all the eye-catching food you'd like to eat. Local, fresh and easy. Serve everything in nice china plates and...

Cauliflower with truffle salsa
I love cauliflower! You can make a good dish of cauliflower in many ways and my favourite is to cook it in the oven. Our rented house in...

Destination Italia (part 2)
Egestorf in Germany seemed a nice place to have some traditional food and a brake for our four legs. After Ebba scanned the sorrounding,...

Fast roasted veggies
Only with a good sharp knife you can enjoy the process. A wooden cutting board, mine is made of olive wood, is easy to clean and...

Destination Italia (part 1)
You have three different choices when starting driving to Italy: Via Baltia, Travemunde or Stockholm. The last one was our choice number...
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